Clare Vella
Throughout academic literature, the topic ‘Grief and Loss’ is commonly examined with ‘Grief’ being the result of a type of ‘Loss.’ According to the Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement, ‘grief’ is “our response to loss. It is the normal, natural and inevitable response to loss, and it can affect every part of our life, including our thoughts, behaviours, beliefs, feelings, physical health and our relationships with others.” (ACGB, 2013) Judith Murray similarly highlighted that ‘grieving is a normal process,’ which is characterised by healing “that allows a person to progress from a state of significant disorganisation at the realisation of the loss …show more content…
According to the Australian Catholic University and Erebus International (2008) Scope study into approaches to student wellbeing literature study, Student Wellbeing is defined as “a sustainable state of positive mood and attitude, resilience, and satisfaction with self, relationships and experiences at school.” (ACU & Erebus, page 6) To assist in facilitating student wellbeing, the literature review outlined schools need to be able provide seven key pathways. The definition – of student wellbeing – “is based on the assumption that student wellbeing is the outcome of a student’s access to many, and sometimes to all of these pathways.” (ACU & Erebus, page 6). The seven pathways include: “1: Physical and emotional safety, 2: Pro-social values, 3: A supportive and caring School Community, 4: Social and emotional learning, 5: A strengths-based approach, 6: A sense of meaning and purpose, and 7: A healthy lifestyle” (ACU & Erebus, page