Stage-2 Falling a satisfactory solution of his problems by his immediate supervisor or sectional hread, as the case may be, within 3 days the workman may request the consideration of his case by the Grievance committee which shall be constituted as under:- Grievance committee:- 1:- Tow members to be nominated by the management. 2:- Two representative of the workman to be nominated by the concerned workman. 3:- The manager or any other officer of the establishment notified in this behalf shall be the chairman Of the committee, but he will not vote in case of a division. 4:- the committee shall be constituted by the Management in the presence and with the approval of the labour officer or Conciliation Officer of the area. Stage 3 Falling a satisfactory solution by grievance Committee within 1 week the workman may raise a regular Industrial Dispute. 1 If a grievance arises out of an order given by an officer the said order shall be complied with before the workman concerned invokes the procedure laid down for redress of grievances. If , however , there is a time between the issue of order and its com pliance , the grievance procedure may immediately be invoked but the order nevertheless must be compiled within the due date even if all the steeps in the grievance procedure have not been exhausted . 2:- If it is necessary for any workman to leave the department during working hours to call on an associate in HR / IR department on any other officer of the
Stage-2 Falling a satisfactory solution of his problems by his immediate supervisor or sectional hread, as the case may be, within 3 days the workman may request the consideration of his case by the Grievance committee which shall be constituted as under:- Grievance committee:- 1:- Tow members to be nominated by the management. 2:- Two representative of the workman to be nominated by the concerned workman. 3:- The manager or any other officer of the establishment notified in this behalf shall be the chairman Of the committee, but he will not vote in case of a division. 4:- the committee shall be constituted by the Management in the presence and with the approval of the labour officer or Conciliation Officer of the area. Stage 3 Falling a satisfactory solution by grievance Committee within 1 week the workman may raise a regular Industrial Dispute. 1 If a grievance arises out of an order given by an officer the said order shall be complied with before the workman concerned invokes the procedure laid down for redress of grievances. If , however , there is a time between the issue of order and its com pliance , the grievance procedure may immediately be invoked but the order nevertheless must be compiled within the due date even if all the steeps in the grievance procedure have not been exhausted . 2:- If it is necessary for any workman to leave the department during working hours to call on an associate in HR / IR department on any other officer of the