• Avocado, Cheddar cheese, Bread, Chili powder, Grilled chicken breast, Lettuce, Tomato
1. Place 1 slice of bread on a plate as the bottom of the sandwich.
2. Spread the avocado on the bottom of the bread using a chef knife.
3. Add 1 slice of cheese on top and add the grilled chicken breast on top as well.
4. Sprinkle a teaspoon of chilli powder on the chicken breast.
5. Add the chopped up lettuce and tomato.
6. Add the other slice of cheese on top.
7. Place another slice of bread on top to complete the sandwich.
Electronic Copy of Ingredients Table:
1. Bread-wheat flour- temperate.
• Farmers in Australia are facing climate change that affect the crops growth. …show more content…
If rivers don’t flow in Australia, crops will die. To be able to product milk the cows would need to eat, meaning more grass would be needed. Factories need cows to help re-produce milk that can save us a life time. The sugary diet increases milk production and fattens up the cattle’s. Local people wouldn’t be able to survive because without cows there would be no milk. Cheese can be grown in NSW, Victoria South Australia.
3. Tomato-tomato-temperate.
• Each tomato brand has different prices, for example diced tomato can from Coles cost 1.00 and fresh tomatoes in Woolworths cost 70c per kilo. When fresh tomatoes are poorly grown, farmer suffer from getting money. Tomato can be affect by the climate change, the hot weather causes drought and hash landscape which affects the crops. Tomatoes is grown from Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Educator and Australia. Pests eat and ruin the crops which can lead to a disaster. The Vietnam people are affected with sickness, stomach pain and disease as well.