Writing in Business and Society
Recommendation Memo, 2/5/2015
Memo – Groggs Peak Company Case Study
Although we were a little more focused on shooting par this past weekend rather than the company, our recent meeting regarding the issue of maximizing energy efficiency has interested me into researching wind turbines and other sustainable practices. As a manager and colleague, I believe it is not in the company’s best interest investing into wind turbines at this time and also due to Carbondale’s low average wind speed. However, I believe there are alternative energy-saving options that could be implemented to lessen Groggs peak energy expenses and specifically reduce the company’s dependence on coal. Nowadays, many businesses are starting to focus more and more on environmental sustainability and implementing such practices would allow Groggs Peak to improve its commitment to corporate social responsibility while bettering customer loyalty. After conducting some research, I am excited to share my findings and alternative benefits for your proposal.
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Having done research on the wind turbine, it became evident that weather data, research, and development must be conducted before we can consider looking at model turbines. According to the Wind American Energy Association (AWEA), “The first and most important factor to consider in the construction of any wind energy facility is the site’s wind resource. A site must have a minimum annual average wind speed of Carbondale to be no more than 4.2 mph, well below the requirements set by the American Wind Association (Wunderground). After thoroughly reviewing these standards and statistics needed to construct a wind energy facility, I feel our location is not optimal for wind energy production. On a positive note, I have found other beneficial options to consider.
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Despite Carbondale’s lack of wind,
Cited: Page Joseph, Lou. "Energy Saving Technologies." The Brewer-Garrett Company. N.p., Jan. 2011. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. < http://www.brewer- garrett.com/WhatWeDo /Energy.3]Serv ices/EnergySavingTechnologies.aspx>. AWEA. "Wind 101: The Basics of Wind Energy." American Wind Energy Association. AWEA, Jan. 1996. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.http://www.awea.org/ Resources /Content. aspx ?ItemNumber=900. Wunderground. "Carbondale, CO, 32°, Clear." Weather Underground. The Weather Channel, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. < http://www.wunderground.com/q/zmw:81623.1.99999>. Kennedy, Chad, CEO. "Worthy Green." Worthy Brewing Company. Worthy Brewing Company, n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2015. < http://www.worthybrewing.com/worthy-green.html> DSIRE. "COLORADO Incentives/policies for Renewables and Efficiency." DSIRE. Database for State Incentive for Renewables and Efficiency. U.S. Department of Energy, Jan. 2014. Web. 24 Feb. 2015. <http://www.dsireusa.org/incentives/index.cfm?state=CO>.