Ground Rules
Name - Andrea Rolfe
Submission date – Jan 2013
Unit 002/009 assessment criteria 3.2 and 3.1, 3.2 and 2.2 from unit 001/08
Contents Page
• Introduction-How to establish ground rules with your learners? • What are the benefits of agreeing Ground Rules? • What might happen if Ground Rules are not set? • How would I establish and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment? • Referencing
Introduction-What are Ground rules and why are they important?
My background is in Management training and I have been a trainer 12 years, I use ground rules when running course that run for more than one day.
Ground rules are a set of expected behaviour’s for classroom conduct, they can be set by the instructor, or created by the delegate’s themselves or by negotiation by both parties. Some people believe by getting the delegates to come up with their own ground rules themselves it will create buy in, although with young people this method may not work and teachers may have to set some boundaries as well as the delegates.
It is vitally important that co-operative learning teams establish ground rules for working together. Ground rules are an important tool in training for helping delegates and trainers to function as a team and creating a positive learning environment. They can evolve over time and may change as groups are forming.
How to establish ground rule with your learners?
Depending on who your learners are will establish the best way to create ground rules there are 3 ways.
1. Teachers imposed 2. Learning imposed 3. Negotiation between both parties
The best way to establish ground rules is to negotiate them and this is how I set them in my training session, so all parties have ownership “take ownership of and hopefully follow the rules” (Ann