a. The departments heads are not on board with empowerment plan resulting in its failure.
2. Recommendation
a. Martin needs to take a more interactive approach with senior management and department’s heads in order to effectively implement the empowerment plan.
3. Implementation
a. Contact senior manager to discuss how we can implement the empowerment plan, soliciting feed back from them.
i. First—Contact Senior managers and department heads ii. Second—Develop a new empowerment plan. iii. Third—Create a platform in which senior management and department heads can communicate their problems within the department and across the organization. iv. Fourth—Create Benchmarks to ensure that the pilot team is progressing.
v. Fourth—Get rid of Susan Starr and designate George as the leader on implementing the empowerment program. He is more qualified, and people will listen to him if Martin designates him as the leader of implementation under martins guidance.
b. Identify Key Resisters
c. Harry and others that share his sentiment—(passive resister)
i. Show Harry, that empowerment is more than just “talk”. He is discouraged, so exactly show how “empowerment is going to benefit Harry and the rest of the employees.
d. Department Heads (Active resisters)
i. Illustrate to department heads that their input and concerns are important and resolve their concerns in a collaborative method.
e. Problems we are creating
i. Spending a lot of time and money on empowerment, if it doesn’t work, company morale would be further decreased. ii. Could create further confusion iii. Jobs lost. iv. Could create inherent issues that result in collaborative formats.
4. Costs/benefits
a. Costs
i. Money ii. Resources taken away from current operations iii. Time
b. Benefits
i. Potential to turnaround company morale ii. Improve communication, bottom line, iii. Increasing sales iv. Improving back market share