Group Counseling in a Multicultural Context
The guide lines and fundamental for counseling in a multicultural context for group therapy can be found in ASGW. According to ASGW B.8. Group workers practice with broad sensitivity to client differences including but not limited to ethnic, gender, religious, sexual, psychological maturity, economic class, family history, physical characteristics or limitations, ad geographic locations. Group Works continuously seek information regarding the cultural issues of the diverse population with whom they are working both by interaction and with outside resources. To qualify as a culturally competent group counselor, must follow: 1 Group counselors emphasize appreciation. Respect, and acceptance in cultural and racial identity for all cultures. 2 Group counselors strive to understand how their cultural background Interrelates with people from other cultural backgrounds. If group counselors do not understand how their own cultural background influences their own thinking and behavior, there is little chance they can understand how their group members are influenced by their cultural thinking and behavior. The characteristics of the culturally competent counselor are equally relevant for practitioners who work with groups. 3 Group counselors consider the impact of averse social, environmental, and political factors in assessing problems and designing interventions. 4 Group counselors acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for effectively working with the diverse range of members in their groups. They seek consultation, supervision, and further education to fill any gaps and remain current. 5 Group counselors are aware of problems involved in stereotyping and avoid making the erroneous assumption that there are no differences between group members from the same ethnic, racial, or other group.
6 Group counselors respect the roles of family and community hierarchies within a client’s culture. 7