Katharine Salsbury
Effective Speech MWF
Group Speech Critique
I am critiquing group four, the members are Emily, Tyler and Cora. Their specific purpose was to inform the audience about a product, the removable heel. The topic was interesting and audience engaging. Overall their speech was well planned but not well rehearsed. They grabbed the audience’s attention at the beginning by showing how the product worked but the energy of the group slowly diminished. They related the product to the audience by showing its usefulness in everyday life. Their visual aid were good but could have been better with a little more effort. I would have liked to see more color. The visual aids did allow them to use humor. They did speak to the audience and not their visual aids. The introduction speaker did preview the main points which were to show the usefulness of their product. The main points were the removable heel is versatile you can go from work casual to night on the town without carrying around two pairs of shoes. Also if your heels hurt your feet you can just remove the heels in seconds. Their presentation used a problem solution pattern of organization. They stated the problem and told how their product would solve the issue. The main points are clear but not crystal. They seemed to talk almost randomly jumping back and forth from main point to main point. Which is why they could have used more group planning and rehearsal. The conclusion reinforced the central idea and main points. Overall the delivery of the speech was average. Tyler’s delivery was best. She had enthusiasm and a smile the whole time while she was speaking. Tyler also had good volume and vocal variety. All the group members had appropriate volume and pitch. Some of the members paused unnecessarily which was a little distracting. They all used filler words three or more times. Pronunciation and articulation started off well but towards the end it became