Group Therapy Assignment
Group Characteristics and Interactions The name of the group attended was Hope House for women. The group therapy session was held on Wednesday, October 16, 2013. The group consisted of 10 members and the person that was leading the session. The majority of women that attended the group were young females, most of which were young mothers. There were several older women there as well. Most of the member’s behavior were happy to be there, a few didn’t seem as happy. The leader goofed off with the group and they were having fun. They reflected on the previous week and they had assignments they were supposed to do. A few of the members were very talkative and the leader would call on several group members to include them in the discussion asking them about their week and what was going on in their lives and goals they had. Curative factors that were present in the group were universality by the group sharing that they weren’t alone in their problems. Imparting of information was another factor as the group was discussing goals and the other members and teachers were giving advice. Instillation of hope was presented as the group presented their problems. Altruism was assimilated as they shared concern for each other. Catharsis was expressed as one of the members talked about her current situation.
Goals and Objectives The goals that were established by the group were about becoming employed if they weren’t already. A few of the girls that didn’t have jobs wanted to be a certified nurse assistant (CNA), the reason she said she wasn’t already was that she needed to save some money first, another girl said she wasn’t because she is afraid she would see an old person being abused and she would go to jail for beating them up. One woman said that she has never had a job before and she was almost in her 50’s, she said she didn’t have a job now because no place wants to hire her because she has no experience.
Group Style The leader’s behavior was slightly goofy