management committee was forced to try and prove that launching was unsafe. This approach is the total opposite of the norms, which would have been trying to prove that the launch was safe. Second, I would go so far as to say that because of our conformist nature, we have ultimately become cowards. We cannot seem to stand up for what we know must be done. Instead we would rather remove ourselves from that spotlight so that when the time comes and the decision is made, if it is wrong, we can do our best to place blame on someone else rather than take it ourselves.
"Accidents" like Challenger have taken place many times after this article was written.
That disturbing news seems to point to the fact that we do not take into account the mistakes of our past. Even after noting the numerous accidents that have taken place because of groupthink, many corporations and even our own government falls into this trap. The bankruptcy of Enron, the second disaster with the Columbia space shuttle, and even the decision to go to war with Iraq seems to deal with groupthink. In each case, overconfidence, little research into alternatives, group isolation, and many other factors all lead to these disasters. It seems that most people don't notice that groupthink is taking place until it is looked at afterwards. If we do not take measures to prevent this from happening again, greater tragedies could occur. It is even suspected that a war that could have otherwise been avoided was waged because of groupthink. That in and of itself should be proof of how dangerous groupthink can be. Such incidents should be looked at more carefully so that they can be
avoided. These examples show that our society has a sort of disregard for our history. We seem to believe that it is the circumstances that are to blame for the accident, rather than the actions that took place during that time. I think it is that mistake that has lead to the repeat of groupthink. If we are to move forward into our future we must first learn from our past endeavors so that we can progress with confidence. The fact that we fall victim to this act so often is very alarming. The Columbia accident could have easily been avoided if those who were in charge paid closer attention to their decisions and the consequences of their actions. I think measures should be taken in order to prevent the act of groupthink from taking place. It is far too dangerous to be ignored. If we allow ourselves to repeat our mistakes, we may very well destroy ourselves. We must learn from our past and rid ourselves of groupthink.