BY: Marian Barra
The beginning of our relationship with God is from the moment we accept and believe Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. As it gets personal, it grows daily until it becomes deeper and intimate. Intimacy generally refers to the feeling of being in a close personal association and belonging together. It is a familiar and very close affective connection with another as a result of a bond that is formed through knowledge and experience of the other.
In this lesson, we will learn and understand the work of God in our lives for us to be intimate with Him, yet it doesn’t require full force of effort from us. The following insights will help us to set ourselves to submit in the Lordship of God until we reach personal intimate relationship with Him.
How would you complete the following statement? The most essential ingredient to living the Christian life is to…
• Fill your heart and mind with Scripture
• Pray as much as you are able.
• Attend Christian meetings for inspiration.
• Get involved in ministry.
• Choose to do what is right and Godly.
• None of the above.
Each of the above choices are important to living the Christian life, but none of them qualifies as the “most essential” because they all fail to adequately deal with the primary obstacle Christian must overcome. This obstacle not only makes the Christian life difficult to live, but impossible to live.
Why we can’t live the Christian Life?
The primary obstacle that hinders Christians is the Sin Nature. Contrary to the belief that we are all born innocent, Scripture teaches that we do not become sinners, but that we are already born sinners. Psalms 51:5 The following Scriptures describes this problem
Romans 3:10-12
Mark 7:21-23
Romans 8:7-8
Because of our sinful nature, not matter how many Scriptures we know, not matter often we pray, no matter how many inspirational meeting we attend, no matter how involved