AUGUST 26, 2013
I remember when I had no problems in this world, no care about what’s coming up next, what’s due or anything until life took a turn on and I had to start applying myself in ways that would benefit my future. I sit and think back when I was a youngster and life was just as plain and simple as one could ask. I started to grow and understand all that looked good was not. It’s just how thing’s were handled back then compared to now. I experienced a transition in my life of losing my mother and accepting the fact I was on my own in this world. I had to change my entire routine friends, places of being and so much more for the transition to take place. When you lose someone or something in your life that was such an inspiration to you and had your back, whether wrong or right, It’s just a hard thing for me to accept. As I grew into accepting and acknowledging the lost of my favorite girl, I had to stand up. Taking on her role in life as far as being the responsible one for the family, making sure situations go as best as can, or just keeping the family as one. I never knew taking on different tasks that come along with being the responsible party. I’ve asked my higher power for strength along with patience to deal with this transition that came along as a thief in the night. Learning to do something with my time came hard. So use to not doing the right thing at times and taking greater thing’s for granted, I missed the importance of family and living. This episode is an experience I wish for no one but knowing one day we all will leave this earth, I just hope under better circumstances for those that don’t know. When I go
References: Sole, K.(2010) Essentials of College Writing. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.(