In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird Scout is an example of a character whose coming-of-age process involves gaining a different perspective. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Scout is getting a new perspective because she is finally growing up and seeing how it feels to be in another person's shoes. “Atticus had it was the polite thing to …show more content…
“These traits that defines adolescence makes us more adaptive, both as individuals and as species. Being adolescence makes us more of a grown up and a indualvisual. “But if we smartened up sooner, we’d end up dumber”. If you smartened up and not do stupid stuff the smart will stay and you won't struggle as much. Growing up shows you a bigger perspective on the world because you get to see early how life when you're older is.
In my own experience, coming-of-age has involved developing a new perspective. Growing up my mom always taught me how to be a gentleman and how to respect everyone no matter how mean, rude they are to you. I also learned how to life life equally and how to make it fun. My mom also taught me how to be successful in life and how to succeed and do things on my own. My mom also got me a job to prepare me for the bigger world and makes me pay my phone bill so i know how it feels to pay bills. I gained a perspective of life because i learned early how to manage my money and how to not get stuck in little