I grew up in a fairly nice neighborhood on the east side of Sandy City, Utah. An elementary school sat just up the block from my house and all the kids in the neighborhood went to school together. The house a grew up in was large, much like the other homes in the neighborhood. But unlike the other homes in this very LDS community, the house was just a front to …show more content…
This was before he had started to transition I remember the day all too well, my dad had invited Driver and I to have sushi with one of my brothers and his kids. When I showed up it becuase very apparent my dad hadn't mentioned I was dating a girl. To my embarrassment Jory ignored Driver entirely. What made this so hurtful I think wasn't that I wanted my brother to be excited for me but it was that Driver is a Marine and had just gotten done with his time in the military. A service that was shadowed by Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. A heavy weight that had followed them during most of their enlistment. My brother treated Driver like less than scum. He treated Driver like he didn’t exist. Like he did not matter. I was angry and hurt. How could someone in my family treat anyone with such disgust? I know that he would tell me that who I choose to love is wrong and gross but I think what I would say back is that it’s between me and God and if loving who I choose to love is a sin then I want no place in Heaven with him. To this day my brother hasn’t talked to