To begin with, growing your own vegetables will save time and money without having to go to the store. You will spend time in the produce area trying to find what you need and with the selection they have to choose from. When you buy fresh produce at the store the prices tend to change depending on the market and demand. Your time would be wasted on driving to the store, finding the item you need, waiting in the lines at the checkout, loading bags in the car, and driving back home to unload the car. By growing your own vegetables you are aware of the cost and control the time you place into the garden you grow. Pursing this further, the grocery stores add chemicals to the vegetables, causing them to have less nutrition. The produce stores will use the chemicals to ensure longer shelf life for the vegetables. Produce suppliers have been known to use a wax chemical for the vegetables to appear shiny. According to a study done by Florida State University Agriculture department, when comparing vegetables nutritional value from a grocery store versus growing your own they found forty percent less nutrition in the grocery store vegetables. The chemicals used over the vegetables can cause several harmful results beside loss of nutrition.
Therefore, growing your own vegetables will give you a fresher food of your choice.