A collection of individuals who have regular contact and frequent interaction,
mutual influence, common feeling of friendship and who work together to
achieve a common set of target.
Group Influence refers to the ways in which group members influence the
attitudes, opinions, and behaviors of others within the group.
Social Facilitation refers to affect by the presence of others.That mean is other
can change your behavior when you are not noticing in group. Guerin, B. (1993)
writed that '' Social facilitation is the tendency for people to do better on simple
tasks when in the presence of other people. This implies that whenever people
are being watched by others, they will do well on things that they are already
good at doing.( p.186-192) . For example ; Imagine one boy, and he is driving
with his familiy. His behavior might be change . When he driving with his
familiy , he drive carefully , slow and care the traffic convention. However ,
When he driving with the his friends , his behavior change again.He drive very
fastly , risky and he doesn't care the traffic convention.
Social Laofing is refers to basicly lazzy behaviors. By this definition; peoples or
workers , when they are doing somethink and no body can meassured their
performance , they performance affected and they work less performance
or they don't work. that means people doing somethink better more than people in a group. For example ; Some students have the task of working collectively
on a paper for a course. They will receive one grade for the paper. Some
students in the class do not make much of an effort working on the group paper
even though they made an effort on other assignments in which they worked
Evaluation Apprehension refers performance will be enhanced or impaired only
in the presence of persons who can approve or disapprove