grupo Modelo, founded in 1925, is the leader in Mexico in beer production, distribution and marketing. it has a total annual installed capacity of 71.5 million hectoliters. currently, it brews and distributes 14 brands, including corona extra, the number one Mexican beer sold in the world, Modelo especial, Victoria, pacífico and negra Modelo. it exports seven brands and is present in more than 180 countries. it is the importer of anheuser-Busch inBev’s products in Mexico, including Budweiser, Bud light and o’doul’s. it also imports the chinese tsingtao Brand, the danish beer carlsberg, and spanish beer Mahou cinco estrellas. through a strategic alliance with nestlé Waters, it produces and distributes in Mexico the bottled water brands sta. María and nestlé pureza Vital, among others. grupo Modelo trades in the Mexican stock exchange since 1994 with the ticker symbol gModeloc and in 2011 it was included in its sustainability index. it also quotes as an adr under the ticker gpMcY in the otc markets and in latibex in spain as XgMd.
agencies and distriButors associates BreWeries cans and croWns coMMercial international logistics MachinerY Manufacturer Malting facilities serVice
Financial HigHligHts
RepoRt FRom tHe cHieF executive oFFiceR
17 domestic maRket
20 inteRnational maRket
25 pRoduction and logistics
28 social Responsibility
32 boaRd oF diRectoRs
33 executive oFFiceRs
Financial summaRy / opeRations
36 management’s discussion and analysis oF Financial Results
38 opinion and RepoRt FRom tHe boaRd oF diRectoRs
40 audit committee RepoRt
41 coRpoRate pRactices committee RepoRt
Finance committee RepoRt
Financial inFoRmation
grupo Modelo, s.a.B. de c.V. and suBsidiaries
Figures in millions oF pesos under international Financial reporting standards (iFrs) (except sales oF beer, per share data and employees)
Year ended