Recruiting a Manager for BRB Israel 1) -------------------------------------------------
Have the two subsidiaries ever collaborated together before? Is there any incentive to collaborate / harmonize the two operations now? (15%)
According to this case, UK and US subsidiaries never collaborated before. Even their corporate cultures are different, which means that they do not share any values and have no common beliefs. Also, their organizational structures are different, which means that their chain of command is not the same. Lastly, their recruiting processes are not the same, because these subsidiaries have very independent Vice …show more content…
(CEO). May not get along with CEO due to personal expertise | Studied in Israel, is familiar with living conditions | Robert Kyle | May be difficult due to lack of knowledge of culture. But has been an expat elsewhere so has potential to adjust. | Has had expat experience so has had openness to relocate. May resist due to lack of knowledge of culture | Been with the company for 20 years; more loyal due to expat experience with company | VP of BRB’D radar elec. Dptmt. 25 yrs. Headed other divisions internally. Got great reviews from CEO. | Has a PHD from MIT | No political instability experience but thanks to international experience the capability to learn is possible | Rochelle Cohen | Is an Israeli and has expat experience.
Worked for an Israelean company. | Wants to move back to Israel to be with family. | Will be having children so may want to stay once asgt over. Issues with children may arise | No mention, assume she is an outsider which can cause problems with CEO | No management or technical experience | Is an Israeli and has connections to government. Can easily adapt to political situation …show more content…
| 19 yrs with BRB but inattention to administration work gives a bad reputation | Degree in engineering. | No international experience so can be a shock to him | Yair Shafrir | Perfect since he is an Israeli and all his experience is there | No need to relocate countries and has often moved from org to org so willingness to change orgs is present | Moves from org to org for promos may not stay long enough | From outside the organization.
V | VP at Israel’s top radar firm. May not appreciate CEO mgmt due to exp And culture | Best knowledge | Harold Michaelson | Jewish faith, has international experience in America. | Wants to move to Israel to be with his mother | May not want to stay if mother passes away | Has American culture knowledge but is an outsider | Degrees in engineering.No mention of issues with mngmt style of CEO | Speaks Hebrew. May have little knowledge of Israeli politics |