12 December 2011
POLS 390
Prof Aikau
Guam Liberation, Chamorro Patriotism
I want to study the topic of patriotism on Guam to the United States because I want to know the psychological effects of American liberation so I can help others understand why the U.S. has a very high enlistment rate of Chamorros. The Chamorrs were liberated from the United States during World War II from the Japanese occupation. During that time the time of the occupation many Chamorros suffered from the harsh treatment of the Japanese. Survivors during that time still relive their stories when they tell of the harsh reality that had gone through. Yet, the America knew what would have become of Guam during the war and in knowing so evacuated their soldiers and citizens.
I want to study the reasons why Chamorro’s feel a sense of obligation to the United States military. I want to know what types of factors motivates them to enlist knowing that they are not regarded as first class American citizens. Does America’s liberation from the horrible Japanese forces have a psychological effect on the patriotism of Chamorros? Are the psychological effects a cultural contribution or is it regarded in the family unit? I believe that Chamorros feel a great sense of patriotism to the United States because of the horrible stories being told by the manamko (elderly) in the Chamorro household. I believe that because Chamorro families are matriarchal, many generations feel a sense of obligation to pay back Uncle Sam for what they did for their elderly.
I plan on gathering literary books from the library regarding the liberation of Guam and the Japanese Occupation. I want to read more stories of the War Survivors in order to get a sense of what went on during that horrible time on Guam. I want to see archives of Guam newspapers during the time in order to see what the media has displayed to the public that might have influenced the Chamorro people. I want to interview the Chamorro