The application and utilization of Guanxi has been so much effective and result oriented in a sense that it has brought resounding and long-term effects on the business relationship as well. This aspect can be proficiently explained through the help of different business functions that can be related to all culture, at the same time reflects, and suggest the overall business behaviours (Barnes, 2015). There is one thing to focus on, the Guanxi talk that shows the indication of care and interest a great deal. As far as the problem solving aspect in business practice of Hong Kong is concerned, there is a concept of Guanxi in a sense that all or different kinds of problems are approached and addressed sensibly in a delicate manner. There is an element of care and interest in this process to a considerable extent (Barnes, …show more content…
People are mostly treated with good care that is taken for subordinates along with compassionate influence and power. In business relationships, the performances are appraised and this is based upon the informal, subjective, and personal relationship aspect that makes performance improve or enhance. The performance expectations here are said to be based on the group harmony and shared accomplishments (Jia & Zsidisin., 2014). In this concern, the accomplishments are not considered based on qualitative or quantitative. The social and economical concerns are also included in this process as well. While negotiating and persuading in business relationships, the process is slowly and gradually picked up, as compromise has to be attained in the end without showing