Gucci Handbags
Gucci handbags are some of the most desired and most attractive handbags available in the market. Synonymous with elegance and quality, the price of Gucci handbags, from the bamboo-handled handbag which catapulted the Gucci brand into international fame in the 1940s (and still used today) to the sleek new collection for 2005, varies from an affordable $100.00 to as high as $3,000.00.
The newest line of Gucci Handbags was launched in the latter part of 2004 and the full product list can be viewed through the official Gucci site. The 2004 line of Gucci handbags are still available for purchase. Some handbags from past seasons may still be available, with the more popular designs often priced at higher levels.
Gucci History
Guccio Gucci, founder of the Gucci brand, was the son of an Italian merchant from Italy’s northern manufacturing region. In his youth, Gucci rebelled against joining his family’s straw hat making business by running away to London where he worked at the opulent and upscale Savoy Hotel. He spent much of his time paying much attention to the baggage of the hotel’s wealthy guests and this was where he gained an understanding of “cosmopolitan culture, sophistication and aesthetics”.
When 39 year old Guccio Gucci returned to Florence in 1921, he set up his own shop, the House of Gucci, at 7 via della Vigna Nuova where he started by selling luggage and horse saddles. He hired the finest craftsmen in the area to work in his atelier, and he personally designed many of the Gucci products sold. His venture turned out to be a success and in 1938, he opened another store in the eternal city of Rome.
The Gucci name continued to grow, and in 1947 the company reached even greater heights when they introduced the bamboo-handle handbag, an item that is still used by the company today. Further developments included the red striped webbing, which was derived from the saddle girth. This was incorporated into