The issue was weather or not to drug test those getting welfare because if someone is on welfare they shouldn’t be doing drugs. The thought was if one has to get drug tested at a their job then to earn money, shouldn’t those on welfare have to pass one to get it? It all has to do with perspective and stereotypes, people preserve that everyone on welfare is lazy and does drugs when actually most of the people on welfare actually need it. When they did put the drug testing into place they only found a few people who were positive for drugs out of thousands an ended up wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars. It all has to do with how people’s perceptions and stereotypes, which also leads into why Affirmative action was something that many white Americans did not like. Affirmative action was not popular among the white population, because it meant that when applying to college someone who was maybe less qualified than you were would get in because of their race, or at least that is what people perceive to be true. What people weren’t understanding was how much it may mean for that other person to get in over them, they may have been the first in their family to go off to college. People perceive that, affirmative action is why they did not get in to their college of choice, when it could have been someone from out of state because colleges want people from out of state so that they can make …show more content…
Guenther realized that there was a bias in the system that was more towards African Americans. Generally African Americans and those of other races were treated worse off than someone who was white. Statistically African Americans commit more crimes than white Americans, however that only takes into account the crimes that were reported, many crimes go unreported and in rape cases most women are too afraid too report the incident or think it was their own fault and fail to report. So while statistically African Americans commit more crimes it doesn’t truly represent what races are committing these crimes because their data isn’t technically