Extra assignment
Boulazreg Mounir
A civil war has been raging in Columbia for many years opposing the Armed forces of Colombia against the rebel guerilla force called the Farcs. This war is bloody an killed almost a quarter of million people, that is why the Colombian government has decided to forget about bullet and bobs and use a more peaceful way, marketing. To do so the international advertising agency SSP3, who takes care of cases such as Red Bull or Unilever had to find a way to reach those guerillas hiding in the middle of the Amazonian jungle. Their idea was simple and consisted of using the feelings and emotions or each them, for example many of them don’t go home to celebrate Christmas which is according to their research a really important celebration because the number of guerillas demobilizing increased drastically around this celebration. They therefore decided to launch their “operation Christmas” and transform 10 giant trees into Christmas trees that would light up whenever someone comes near them with a sign reading: If Christmas and come to the jungle, you can come home”. Their latest operations consisted of showing for Christmas again pictures of mothers of guerillas soldiers with a slogan saying “before being a guerillero, you are my son”. By doing so they aim to reach not the soldier but the son who misses his mother and in South-America family is something important and cherished and even though some soldiers developed a shell that protect them from any sentimental impact or emotions most the guerilleros are still young and mot o them miss their home and families.