Guide to SQL Injection
SQL injection is a hacking technique used to exploit weaknesses in applications. When programs are written, some parameters used in the creation of the application code can leave weaknesses in the program. The purpose of SQL injection is to convince the application to run
SQL code that was not intended. SQL injection is a hacking method used to attack SQL databases; it’s usually delivered via a user input field. The input field is where a user may enter a username and password on a website, add data to a URL, or perform a search for a keyword in another application. The SQL injection vulnerability is caused primarily by unverified or unsanitized user input via these fields.
SQL Server injection vulnerabilities are caused by invalid parameters that are not verified by the application. If programmers don’t take the time to validate the variables a user can enter into a variable field, the results can be serious and unpredictable. Sophisticated hackers can exploit this vulnerability, causing an execution fault and shutdown of the system or application, or a command shell to be executed for the hacker.
SQL injection countermeasures are designed to utilize secure programming methods. By changing the variables used by the application code, weaknesses in applications can be greatly minimized. This guide will detail how to perform a SQL injection and explore the best countermeasures to prevent the attack.
SQL Injection
It’s important for you to be able to define SQL injection and understand the steps a hacker takes to conduct a SQL injection attack. In addition, you should know SQL Server vulnerabilities, as well as countermeasures to SQL injection attacks. SQL injection occurs when an application processes user-provided data to create a SQL statement without first validating the input. The user input is then submitted to a web application database server for execution. When