This literature review will look at the needs of the adult learner and if having a guided career pathway leads to their success. The different paths the adult learner has to take to complete their education will be the focal point. There are several articles written on the subject matter. Most noted research on the topic is Guided Pathways to Success Boosting (College Completion, 2009). Many states have begun to publish their data. Noted in one study are Arizona, Florida, Georgia, New York, and Tennessee. (Department of Education Complete College GA, 2009).
Complete College America, Impact on America
Having a guided career pathway leads to the success of students costing less money and time. …show more content…
They seek to complete a program and move forward to the next level of success. Some of the tools used to help with their success are eBooks and online classes. Many of these students will attend learning support classes. Learning support labs have been put in place to assist students with their work. There are also counselors and most satellite campuses around the state have incorporated helpful resources to support adult learner. With smaller classes and satellite campuses students with special needs can be assisted with better …show more content…
These students follow written directions and can work around in situation they are people who can get the job done. They often remember what they have seen and are detail oriented. The adult visual learner will often prefer to show his/her skills than to write it out. The adult auditory learner likes to be to speak to him/ her when learning a new task or skills. They are often good listeners. These groups of students often fine it more difficult to write things down but enjoy speaking. This group of students likes to show off skills learned role-play works very well with this group. Collecting data on the adult learner in these areas will be critical. Focusing on some of the barriers students face will also be critical to their career pathways. These barriers may in pose serious issues for the students like basic computer skills, low self-esteem, little interest in school, lack of motivation and most of all not knowing when opportunities may come their way. Georgia is one of eleven states that were awarded funds to bridge the gap for many adult learners. The adult education division of The Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) received $1,250,000 to implement an Accelerating Opportunity (AO) this program give students an opportunity to learn skills while obtaining their GED. The initiative is to introduce students to a