Moral /Philosophical Approach * What morality or philosophy in life does the short story teach to its readers? * Expound on your points and ideas by citing lines from the story.
Formalism Approach * Analyze the elements of the short story. * How do the elements help establish the overall message of the story?
Psychoanalytical Approach * Examine the three parts of the major character’s psyche. * Explain how sexuality motivates the behaviour and the struggle of the protagonist. * What symbols that are linked to sexual pleasure are made apparent in the story?
Archetypal Approach * Identify and analyze the recurring patterns or symbol/s in the story. * Expound on your points and ideas by citing lines from the story.
Feminist Approach * What female roles are pointed out in the story? * Explain how society imposes gender gap.
Marxist Approach * Discuss the struggle within classes (the haves vs. the have-nots/the elite vs. the socially impoverished). * How does power remain constant or shift throughout the story?
Reader Response Approach * How do you relate with the short story? * What are your personal responses to the short story?
Regardless of the approach used, the plot of the story should be pointed out.
Content (Are the questions clearly answered? How in-depth are the responses and discussions?) - 25
Organization (Are the points logically organized? Are the major points followed by supporting details?) - 15
Grammar and Mechanics (Is the text grammatically accurate? Are punctuations correctly used?) - 10
TOTAL - 50
Deadline of Submission – August 23
Cite your sources properly. Use the APA format.
Times New Roman, 12 points, justified,