The students of MBA programme of Bangalore University are required to carry out Dissertation, in the area of specialization under the supervision of an eligible guide beginning at the end of 3rd semester and submit three hard bound copies and one soft copy of dissertation on or before the time stipulated by the University, which is to be evaluated for 200 marks followed by viva-voce examination for 50 marks.
The aim for dissertation is to give the students an opportunity to learn independently and to identify, define and analyze problems and issues related to Management and integrate knowledge in a business context. It is an important part of the programme that tests students’ ability to understand and apply the theory, the concepts and the tools of analysis to a specific problem situation.
The only precise rule on what constitutes an acceptable dissertation is that it should be an ordered critical exposition, which affords evidence of reasoning power and knowledge of the relevant literature in an approved field falling within the subject matter of Management. The emphasis should be on applied research and the investigation of some practical problem or issue related to the situation in which an organization or system operates.
It must be noted that the dissertation must not be treated as just another assignment. The dissertation provides an opportunity to judge the students’ time and self-management skills and his/her ability to successfully undertake a long and in depth study. Hence it is not only the product that is important, but also the process itself. Students must therefore ensure that they maintain regular contacts with their guide and also that they provide the guide with drafts of their work at regular intervals. Finally, to keep themselves up to date and under control as regards their Dissertation, it is important that the students meet their guide