Each Centre is required to submit the School-Based Assessment of ONE sample of FIVE candidates who are selected from a ranked list as described at B below. It is recommended that ALL subject teachers preparing candidates for the examination collaborate in (i) setting the assignments, criteria and mark schemes (ii) standardizing the marking of the assignments.
B. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELECTING THE SAMPLE (i) After the candidates’ SBA scores have been entered electronically, the sample for the Centre will be automatically selected by the e-SBA system using the following procedure: * The total SBA scores for ALL candidates will be arranged in order of performance, from highest to lowest score
* The e-SBA system will then select the candidates who gained the • highest score • middle (median) score
• lowest score
• score that is midway between the highest score and the middle score
• score that is midway between the lowest score and the middle score
(ii) The Centre MUST submit, by the stipulated deadline, ONLY the sample that has been selected by the e-SBA (iii) Where the number of candidates is less than five, the assignments of ALL candidates must be submitted. (iv) Since resit candidates are not expected to undertake the School-Based Assessment, they should not be included in the ranked list and their assignments should not be submitted.
The Centre (team of teachers) must submit to CXC: (i) ONE completed RECORD OF MARKS FOR SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT for ALL candidates at the centre (electronically) (ii) The assignments of the FIVE candidates selected
The Local Registrars will stipulate the date by which ALL materials MUST be dispatched to their offices to ensure timely submission to CXC. Samples and moderation forms must be packaged separately from records for delivery to the Local Registrar. All