Do not begin typing until you see the level heading - An Overview and Purpose in your template.
The Guidelines are organized by LECTURES and INSTRUCTIONS.
Lectures and related reading material are included to assist in developing each part of the Review.
Where there is to be writing, there are specific Instructions as what is to be included under each heading.
Instructions appear in a box.
Each instruction is numbered. Respond to ALL NUMBERED INSTRUCTIONS.
Introduction to the Literature
Insert Your Brief Topic before the Colon: An Overview and Purpose
Lecture Note: This section is revised with each new submission of a draft.
The introductory section should describe the topic (problem area, guiding concept, theme or research question or problem) that is being reviewed. Aim for an “eye catching opening sentence”. Sometimes this is a dramatic expression of a number to catch the reader’s attention such as the prevalence of a disease, crime rate, school drop out rate, or sales volume. Be sure the topic is focused on the literature that will be reported. Briefly define the key concepts. Introduce these immediately. The topic should be sufficiently focused to permit an in-depth, substantial investigation, relevant to an area of advanced study/global leadership that guides a range of inquiry, results in an extensive search of scholarly literature, and generation of questions for further inquiry.
The purpose of a literature review is presented in the introduction. Bourner (1996) reports the following Purposes – of a literature review – (reasons for a review of the literature) before embarking on a research project. These reasons include: • to identify gaps in the literature • to avoid reinventing the wheel (at the very least this will save time and it can stop you from
References: i. Include a representative sampling of the literature, especially fairly current literature (2000 and later!!). Literature prior to 1990 must be seminal literature only.