Guidlines to follow when posting to social media
Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Instagram, and many, many more are applications that allow you to interact with others online. By friending, linking or following you gain access and allow others to gain access to personal information. There are many ways that you can help safe guard yourself from others. Here are a few that I found during my research and have since implemented them into my own online experiences. First of all, there are privacy and security settings for a reason. Learn about and use the privacy and security settings on each of your social networks. They are only there to help you and to control who sees what you post and to manage your online experience in a fun and positive way. (2012, Todds). While you are posting, it is a good thing to remember that once posted, it is always posted. This is very important to keep in mind with making a comment or commenting on someone else’s status. You want to protect your reputation and think twice before you post any pictures that you wouldn’t feel completely comfortable with anyone seeing. Think how you would feel if your preacher, bishop or someone you care deeply about would feel if they saw that picture.
Another guideline is to keep personal information personal. This is easier said than done. Everyone I know, including myself, brags about going on a future vacation. Where you are going, when you will be back and who is all going with you. This leaves your home wide open for criminals to break in and steal or vandalize your possessions. Not only did you announce that your whole family is going to Hawaii, but you also announced exactly when you will be back.
Being honest when you’re uncomfortable. This guideline makes your social media experience so much better. If a friend posts something on your profile and you’re uncomfortable or thinks it is inappropriate, tell them. For example, I am a very sarcastic person and I have made a lot of jokes about drinking alcohol. This mixed