Alexandra Rodriguez, Sydnie Sephton Mrs. Philipose Humanities 1 - 1st 20 February 2018 Prompt #2 Ethan seemed moral in the beginning, but slowly got out of it by cheating on his wife with her cousin, Mattie. He seemed to spend as much time with her as possible, and got close to her whenever he had the opportunity to do so. Zenobia showed to be sickly more frequently throughout the years she spent married to Ethan. She went out for days at times, just to go to various doctors. He gave her enough by providing the money she needed (among other human necessities), yet never more than that.…
Guilt pushes John Proctor to not only protect his wife but to protect the whole town at the end of the play. protects his wife by owning up to committing adultery with Abigail. “I have known her, sir. I have known her.” (Miller, 220). This…
In “The Crucible”, John Proctor expresses extreme guilt about his affair with Abigail throughout the book. This guilt leads John to confess to Judge Danforth and sets himself up for chaos. At first, he wants to expose Abigail for faking it, but he is scared because of the guilt of his affair. He realizes that in order to keep his family together, and his friends alive, he must confess about his affair before it’s too late.…
In the beginning of the play, John has an affair with Abigail, but this a problem because he is married to Elizabeth. In the town of Salem, this would be considered a sin, lechery, and John could be sentenced to death if someone were to find out. John has to overcome his past with Abigail by resisting her temptations. Later in the play, Abigail tries to flirt with Proctor and win him over. John rejects her by saying, “I may think of you softly from time to time, but I will cut off my hand before I reach for you again. We never touched.” By not giving into Abigail’s ways he shows maturity and…
his good name. He would not confess to something to which he did not believe/true to…
The Crucible Essay Arthur Miller, born on October 17, 1915 in Harlem, New York was a successful play- writer. He wrote The Crucible in 1953 to show the effect of falsely accusing people with something that they have not done (“Arthur Miller Biography”). He compares the accusation of being called a witch during the Salem trials to being called a Communists during his era. He was inspired to write this play after Joseph McCarthy, and House Committee on Un- American Activities were going after Communists (Miller, Arthur). At this time news didn't travel as fast as it does today and people usually believed and accepted whatever the majority of people and the people with power said.…
The presence of guilt has been felt by all human beings. As guilt grows in a…
Salem, Massachusetts, a place of beginnings in the New World, shows that the Puritans’ “self-denial, their purposefulness, their suspicion of all vain pursuits, their hard-handed justice were altogether perfect instruments for the conquest of this space so antagonistic to man” (Miller 6). The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, describes the Salem witch trials during the seventeenth century. Numerous people were hung and jailed for being accused of witchcraft. In his work, Miller describes how a young girl, Abigail Williams, becomes the main accuser in the town of several honest and truthful Puritan individuals. The trials are “a long overdue opportunity for everyone so inclined to express publicly his guilt and sins,…
), however he transcends that condescension by the end, dying an honest, righteous man at peace. Parris on the other hand is initially portrayed as an immaculate example of an elect Christian, however his web of lies and deceit become unwound his and his nieces’ own machinations. his importance toward his reputation also becomes an evident flaw along with the others just mentioned. “Now look you, child, your punishment will come in its time. But if you trafficked with spirits in the forest I must know it now, for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it.” Parris (Act I pg…
Arthur Miller’s play ‘The Crucible’ was composed in the context of McCarthyism, using the subject matter of the Salem witch hunts to make comments about the communist witch hunts that occurred in the 1950s in America. ‘The Crucible’ explores the destruction of the Salem community caused by mass hysteria. The hysteria was ignited by a group of young girls who were powerless individually, yet as a group, had the power to control the court. This resulted with the death of 19 people including John Proctor and several other highly respected members of Salem.…
Reverend Parris is greedy and selfish. In act one when his daughter Betty is sick, Parris seem worried but only about his reputation. Also in act three Parris does perjury when he tell the court that he say no one dancing naked in the woods even though he has when he tell Abigail. In act four he is lying when he tells Danforth to postpone the hangings because his life is in danger…
In his autobiography, Timebends, Arthur Miller claims it is only when observing the “break of charity” within the human community that one can fully understand the true meaning behind the outbursts of mass hysteria, which later result in a loss of sanity and civility. Miller’s historical-based play, The Crucible, validates his belief and subtly draws attention to the similarities between the response of the people in 1690 Salem and 1950 America to witchcraft and McCarthyism, respectively.…
Reverend Parris abruptly enters the forest and the girls all scuffled about, not to be identified by the local minister including Tituba his black slave. He witnesses girls being naked dancing around a fire as well as the presence of his niece Abigail and daughter Betty. Afraid of being punished, Betty falls to the ground on Abigail crying with dismay, later presuming that she is ill and hoax by spirits. In extremely religious Puritan New England, frightening or surprising occurrences were often attributed to the devil or his cohorts.…
Everyone, at one point in his or her life, experiences greed. Not because of choice, rather, by human nature alone. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller portrays greed throughout many of the main characters. The main people, for example, include Thomas Putnam, Abigail, and Danforth. Each character shows greed in their own way. Throughout these characters, Arthur Miller try’s to show us that as a human, we cannot help to control the underlying greed within ourselves.…
When you’re scared, sometimes it’s hard to go with your gut feeling, right? It may be hard to stick up for yourself, or stand up for what is right. This is the feeling most of The Crucible characters probably felt. Reverend Parris, Abigail Williams, and John Proctor are good examples of how fear and hysteria can destroy good judgment.…