Done what? What have I done? Oh no. What am I gonna do? I don’t know if its relief, or if its guilt. They called me stupid, a loner, a nobody… It's like a pain that hurts so deep down inside I can't find where it starts and where it ends. Sometimes I can't stop crying, and other times I can't find any tears, and I just quiver with sorrow. Do I know what they say about me? Sure, I do. They call me a wierdo, an odd bod, who do they think they are? I could never fight back… I just froze like a rabbit in the headlights, paralysed with terror.
Everyone would laugh, ‘’HAHAHAHAHA’’. It’s not fair. What did I do wrong? Why me?
All I ever did was sat quietly, read my book, …show more content…
He made everyone’s life hell and now I feel invigorated. I’ve ceased the devil. Terminated the tyrant. It made it even more euphoric when I could see the fear and guilt not only in her eyes, but also in his body as it shuddered and trembled like a worthless, shrivelled leaf. Nobody can stop me, nobody even knows. Who would think? Poor old innocent James: he has no friends, look at him just so timid and weak. Well you’re wrong. I have the power. It’s like a raging fire building up inside of me, I’ve never felt liberation like this in my life.
But wait. What will I do now? I’ll have to run away. Hide. I can’t they’ll catch …show more content…
That’s all I’m sorry for- hurting my family. The only thing I feel sorry for. I'm not looking for forgiveness. I am not repenting... I know I'm wrong...what I’ve done is wrong. In the eyes of the law its not ok but in my heart, it is. I do want my family to forgive me.... They never will, I’m there little boy, never did anything wrong- they’ll be heartbroken. But they don’t know what its like; I just feel so alone. I wish I could tell someone, but I don't know who I could turn to. No one would understand how I feel. How it feels. Slowly eating away at your soul, taking away every last inch of happiness, tearing out all of the goodness left inside your