Charles Darwin brought the idea of evolution to the world and the theory survival of the fittest, and recognized animal consciousness (Page, 9). He looked at some positions as the scientist that "lowered" mankind, and put mankind at the level of animals, but is judged by the possibility of raising the importance of animals. Darwin had motives for defending animal consciousness, when put in certain situations …show more content…
Guinea pigs have been used in many experiments. Female guinea pigs start showing sexual behavior when they are forty-five days old. They become restless and show greater activity. Over a period of eight hours the female mounts herself on other female guinea pigs to show the male that she is ready to have intercourse. The male is then excited and approaches the female. After they have intercourse she runs away and stays far away from all the males (Hauser 82). A male guinea pig always gets excited when a new female is in the present and tries to make attempts to continue intercourse with her (Hauser 83). Animals share intercourse like humans to make another generation and keep the species …show more content…
Many common emotions that humans express, animals also express. Animals can show pain emotional and physically. When a pet is left unattended he is lonely and sad. Signs of loneliness is vocalizing, jumping, nudging, destroying things in the house and sometimes overeating (McMillan 146). Boredom is common with house pets because the owners have busy lifestyles. They show boredom by trying to play and bringing toys around, walking around, sleeping a lot, and again sometimes overeating. When a pet is angry they tend to destroy household objects. A lost of an appetite can also show depression. Many of these upsetting emotions are easily fixed by attention from the owner (McMillan 148). Fear is an emotion that sticks with animals for a very long time. The animals will tend to hide, timidity, unexplained aggression and again sometimes overeating (McMillan 146). Many animals will run away from something they feared because of unpleasant memories. If he does not escape his fear, it will just grow intensity and moving him away from his comfort zone (McMillan 95). Horses show fear by kicking or biting, but also running away. When the horse is unable to run away he has to face his fear by fighting (Department). Animals also show embarrassment when they know they have done something wrong. When a pet owner yells at his dog, because the dog chewed the furniture, the dog lowers his ears and walks away (McMillan 149). Animals