Brand is, according to Davidson (1995), “a collection of attributes which strongly influence purchase”. The aim of this writing is to evaluate the brand Guinness and determinate attributes of it which give the desire to purchase for customers. Brand and customer equity, then the Customer Based Brand Equity Model and the advantage of branding will be respectively described and discussed during the writing.
The Guinness brewery is a famous Irish beers producer. The brewery born in 1759 at Dublin’s St James’ Gate owned by the founder Arthur Guinness. He started by produce Porter beers which was exported from London to Dublin and was famous at this time. Then in the 1790s he had the idea to create his own beer in the same style: “porter” and “stout” beers, relatively new on the Irish market.
It became Diageo in 1997, after a merger with Grand Metropolitan, largely oriented in alcohol and spirituous production. Two divisions have born of this merger, United Distillers; the spirits business and Guinness Brewery Worldwide which manage all the beers business with brand like Guinness, Kilkenny, Cruzcampo etc.
The brand evaluate in a mature market in Ireland, consequently, it targets other countries but try to stay in the same market to keep their brand image adapting with customers needs and tastes. Nowadays Guinness is one of the beers the most sold in the world.
According to Park, Jaworski and Maclnnis (1991) branded product bring three main benefits to customers. We can analyse them in link with the Guinness brand. Firstly, there is the functional benefit, with Guinness it is to quench one’s thirst. Secondly, there is the symbolic effect. For Guinness it means to do part of a community, people who likes good beers who have taste or be part of the Irish or Celtic culture. Thirdly, there is the experimental effect which means how do you feel after test it, in the case of Guinness, you can fell relax and satisfied with a
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