Group Number: 15
Anna Marie Fahy 08003181
Aiden Esslemont 08406162
Barry Ensor 08371342
People who didn’t contribute: Ciaran Faherty 0763892 Tracey Fahy 0720422
As a group we have chosen to research and study the product Guinness and we researched there company website
Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market up into different groups in order to create different products to meet specific needs. Guinness represents several layers of segmentation, youth, gender wealth and lifestyle. We feel that Demographic Segmentation is the most relevant to our chosen product Guinness.
Demographic Segmentation divides the market into groups based on demographic variables such as age, gender, family size, family life cycle, income etc.
Guinness use age segmentation by using very effective marketing campaigns which manly target the young male population. They do this because many younger people perceive Guinness as being their ‘Father’s beer’. Their campaigns are young fun and humorous and there s the constant message that Guinness s a uniquely challenging and rewarding beer.
Gender Segmentation- although it may be argued we feel as a group that Guinness is primarily targeted at the male population
Income Segmentation although Guinness don’t directly segment its product into different segments, Guinness beers are more expensive to the consumer because they target customers may be willing to pay more for what some pensive to be a distinctive taste – a taste which is more expensive to produce. Recently we seen at the Anther’s Day celebrations Guinness drop their prices which lead to the knock-on effect of consumers some who never tried the beer acquiring a taste for this product, therefore leading to a rise in sales. Although benefit segmentation is also quite relevant we feel Demographic Segmentation is the best approach as it bests demonstrates their target market and way of targeting their product towards them.