Gun control has been a debatable issue for all times. I stand for gun control, knowing that all that stands between you and death is the pull of a trigger, truly scares me. The united states needs stricter gun laws for many reasons. To prevent school shootings as well as mass shootings, reduce suicides and crime rates, and to prevent most untrained civilians from owning guns that can potentially harm them and everyone around them.
James Holmes and the Aurora theater. Twelve people shot dead and seventy others wounded. This lunatic did it with a legally owned gun. Gun control for the public must be stricter and this should be good enough reason as to why it should. Had that gun not been obtained legally, and the purchase never happened because the purchaser failed the background check, then maybe the shooting wouldn’t have happened. The United States failed to take action regarding gun laws after a mass shooting occurred in their country, where Australia did not. Their tragedy occurred in 1996 at Port Arthur in Tasmania, The dead reached 35, with more than 20 others injured. The victims included children, teens, adults, seniors, tourists and local workers. The tragedy caused an explosion of public outrage, which led to demands for better regulation of guns. Australia changed their laws. As a result, gun deaths in Australia have dropped by two-thirds, and they have never had another mass shooting since. When will the US learn from Australia?
Guns cause violence and death. Even though the U.S. populates only five percent of the world, we own almost 50 percent of civilian guns worldwide. Gun control laws help keep the public safe from heavy artillery weapons. Although the laws in place should be stricter, there is sufficient proof that they succeed in protecting the public. According to the Macmillan Social Science Library, the 1994 Brady Law, which required background checks and a five-day waiting period for all handgun sales, prompted a