American radio host and political commentator, Tammy Bruce, in her article, Why Gun Control Wont End Mass Murder, describes many statistics of gun violence. Bruce’s purpose is to make her readers aware of gun violence and the many factors contributing to it as well as how it is statistically unlikely that gun control will help. She adopts an aggressive tone in order to support those that agree with her. The main ideas expressed throughout this article are that politicians use shootings and gun violence for political gain and aren’t doing anything to stop it. She explains that gun control wont stop gun violence because of problems such as drugs leading to terrorists. Tammy Bruce in her article uses many statistics and viewpoints to support her claim against gun control.…
The first point that I will discuss is a statement that is made in the article. The statement is: Banning gun saves lives. Below that statement the author goes into some detail about how banning guns can save lives and uses the country of Australia as an example. The author stated this “Around 650,000 automatic and semi-automatic weapons were destroyed and a whole raft of checks and controls brought in. The end result? The first decade of the law alone saw a fifty-nine percent drop in Australian gun-homicides, while non-firearm-related homicides stayed level. In other words, people didn’t switch to machetes or poison so much as they stopped killing altogether. As for mass shootings: well, Australia’s gone all the way from eleven a decade (1986-96) to zero.” (Morris M 2013) Morris’s argument here uses the premises based of statistical facts. This argument is deductive because he uses facts to lead the reader to the conclusion that based off those facts it is a good idea to ban gun in order to save lives. I will now present my counter argument for this topic. The problem with he statement that banning guns saves lives is that it is a very broad statement thus making it easy for the author to support his statement. The next problem with this argument is that the author uses a specific place and time period in order to make…
82 children under five years old died from firearms in 2010 compared with 58 law enforcement officers killed by firearms in the line of duty (sources: CDF, CDC, FBI)…
Cited: Bella, Tim. “Campuses Debate Gun Control Issues.” Daily Skiff 30 Nov. 2007. Web. 27 Mar. 2009. "Concealed" Students for Concealed Carry on Campus. Web. 28 Mar 2009. "Court Rules in Favor of Second Amendment Gun Right." Los Angeles Times 26 June 2008. Web. 3 Apr. 2009. Cruz, Barbara. School Shootings and School Violence. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow, 2002. Currie-McGhee, L.K. Gun Control. Farmington Hills, MI: Lucent, 2004. Feldman, Richard. Ricochet Confessions of a Gun Lobbyist. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2008. Goldman, Russell. “Gunman Planned Campus Shooting for at Least a Week.” ABC, 2008. Web. 14 Mar. 2008. Haerens, Margaret. Gun Violence. New York: Greenhaven, 2006. “If I only Had a Gun.” 20/20. Narr. Diane Sawyer and David Muir. ABC. 10 Apr. 2009. Television. “Justices Set to Mull Gun Rights.” MSNBC, 2008. Web. 18 Mar. 2008. Mahasneh, Nadine. “Issues Raise Questions in Wake of Tragedies.” The Exponent Online 28 Feb. 2008. Web. 14 Mar 2008 Roleff, Tamara L. Gun Control. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven, 2007. Thomas, Murray. Violence in America 's Schools. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2006. "What Are the Gun Laws in Indiana." Web. 3 Apr. 2009. "What We Want." Protest Easy Guns. Web. 4 April 2009.…
5. The rate of firearm death of under 14-years-olds is nearly 12 times higher in the U.S. than in 25 other industrialized countries combined.…
Ayres, I., & Donohue, J. (2009). Yet another refutation of the more guns, less crime hypothesis – With some help from Moody and Marvell. Econ Journal Watch, 6(1).…
Firearm injuries are one of the top ten causes of death in the United States (“Statistics”). Firearms are the second leading cause of traumatic death related to consumer product in the U.S. and are the second most frequent cause of death overall for Americans ages 15 to 25 (Violence Policy Center para.4). Every two years more Americans die from firearm injuries than the total number of American soldiers killed during the eight year Vietnam War (Violence Prevention Institute). In 2005, 11,346 people were killed by firearm violence and 477,040 were victims of a crime involving a firearm. In 2006, firearms were used in 68 percent of murders, 42 percent of robbery offenses and 22 percent of aggravated assaults nationwide (National Institute of Justice). “Homicides committed with firearms peaked in 1993 at 17,075, after which the figure steadily fell, leveling off in 1999 at 10, 11. Gun-related homicides have increased each year since 2002”(National Institute of Justice). The federal government needs to take action to prevent similar tragedies from happening in the future. In an effort to stabilize and decrease firearm related injuries and deaths in the U.S. a strong federal law to control guns is…
THESIS STATEMENT: This paper elucidates the causes for the gun violence is the presence of guns in our society, rather than the citizens who are using them for their bad intentions.…
They aren’t saying that gun shows are the cause for all deaths on earth. They are reasonable with their points. Some evidence “Although (gun shows) are a source of guns used in crime, gun shows are just 1 of the venues that supply firearms for criminal use on a more-or-less continuing basis.” This gives the reader a sense of comfort. These authors aren’t just trying over react about guns shows, but they have a point.…
Three robbers entered a Commerce City, Colo., residence, one of them pulled a knife, according to officials. The two men and a woman apparently had planned to rob an acquaintance: but the homeowner resisted the threat, drawing his semiautomatic handgun and shooting the two men. After the three fled, they called for medical help from a cousin's house. The police followed shortly thereafter. "As soon as they get out of the hospital, we'll be there to meet and greet them," said Sgt. Craig Coleman of the Adams County Sheriff's Dept. (rifleman)…
Furthermore, a comparison between states’ homicide rates and gun control law strength show no correlation. Finally, homicide, already being illegal, is clearly a function of culture and socioeconomics factors rather than that of any weapon. Would you choose to own a gun if your life…
Most people who own guns, are the legal owners of that weapon (“Kates”1). Other countries and some states in the United States that restrict gun laws have more murders than places that do not have gun laws (“Guns in”3). In the United Kingdom they banned handguns in 1997. Since then, the attack and crime rate went up 77%. This is equivalent to two attacks every two minutes. (“Guns in”3). This is further evidence that guns are not just for killing, guns are for…
Today, we are living in a world where one moment you are laughing, and in a blink of an eye you wind up either dead or in the hospital due to random gun violence. US leads amongst all the developed nations in mass murder due to gun violence and gun abuse. Between 1976 and 2012, most high-income countries did not experience a single shooting. The U.S. witnessed 16 shootings involving 7 or more fatalities, resulting in 241 deaths, more than all the other developed countries combined.…
Every day in America, 309 people are shot. Of those shot, 93 die. Of those killed, 32 are murdered (Brady Campaign). When facts such as these are ignored, it’s hard to remember that these numbers aren’t considered normal everywhere else. When compared to 22 other high-income nations, such as Germany, Australia, and Canada, researchers with The American Journal of Medicine found that the gun deaths on US soil account for 82% of all the gun deaths in these countries combined. In other words, 82 out of 100 deaths caused by gun violence in 23 of the wealthiest, most developed nations in the world occur in the United States (Preidt). Whether you label this a public health problem or a mental health problem, a legal problem or a public safety problem,…
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states that, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” (U.S. Const. Am. 2). This amendment guarantees American citizens the right to have firearms. Since this amendment is very indistinct, it has remained a matter of debate and discussion in the United States. Many people are asking whether every citizen should have the right to possess a gun? There are many advocates of gun control people who wish to have strict laws to prevent certain groups of people from buying a gun. And there’s also those who disagree with gun control laws, and feel there should be a more tolerant gun control to…