December 9,2013
Annotated bibliography
For my sophomore research paper , I am interested in human rights and wealth of the united state
It appears that wealth is a big problem in states there is no one out there to help these people out of this situation I am specially moved by this area such as hati and Africa those places have a lot of wealthy people who need our help.
Article 1
Wealth distribution and income inequality are two different concepts, in that wealth distribution looks at how the ownership of assets in a given society is shared among its members while income inequality focuses exclusively on the income side of the equation. However, both measures help chart the economic gap within a country's wealthiest and poorest citizens. Over the last ten years, economic inequality has been growing, particularly in developed countries where, historically, it had been more contained
According to the World Bank, the GINI coefficient "measures the extent to which the distribution of income or consumption expenditure among individuals households within an economy deviates from a perfectly equal distribution." Therefore it is used as an indication of income inequality within countries. Practically, it measures the area between the Lorenz curve, a standard indicator of the distribution of income within a community, and a hypothetical line of absolute equality, expressed as a percentage of the maximum area under the line. In this index, 0 represents perfect equality, while 100 perfect inequality.
Other widely used measures of economic inequality are the percentage of people living with under US$2 a day (at 2005 international prices) and the share of national income held by the wealthiest 10% of the population. According to World Bank data, income inequality tends to be lower in Northern Europe, with countries such as Sweden, Norway and Finland showing some of the world's lowest GINI coefficients. It is also surprisingly low in much less