Dave Berry is a hilarious and captivating writer. In his article he breaks down three characteristics of what a guy, not man, is. First and foremost, he explains how guys like neat stuff, as he puts it. For example, purchasing over qualified computers for miniscule assignments. While not using the computer for its upmost potential. Or how the space shuttle is still around for guy’s entertainment. Basically, the shuttle breaks down, they fix it, and get to send it back up to space all over again. For the hundredth time. He continues to explain the next and most well-known characteristic of men. One I should have guessed, guys like a really pointless challenge. For instance trying to see who could go the fastest…
One of the obvious examples is when Blacky’s mum was not wanted as a coach at the Port football club. Neither Arks (the coach) nor the players wanted the help or support of a female. They might have thought it would be an embarrassment or simply it is and always will be a male’s sport. This is shown in the following quote “I’d thought of suggesting it to Arks that mum could be appointed tactical advisor. Send somebody over at the end of each quarter to get her thoughts. Or maybe they could use walkie talkies. But I knew Arks wouldn’t have a bar of it. Everybody thought that to be a great coach you had to have been a great player. And a bloke, of course.” pages 31 and 32. Blacky’s mum didn’t have the confidence to stand up for herself or her gender. I think that gender prejudice is not the biggest form of prejudice explored in this specific text, never the less, it is explored and gives an insight into how gender prejudice affects our community…
Manhood in western societies is pre-programmed, pre-packaged and forced-fed to boys from birth to adulthood. Historically the puriest example of a real man was the military standard. Military manliness dictates that a man must be strong, both physically and mentally, a man must be unfeeling and must be loyal to their fellow commrades. Men must show a certain level of respect for women but never acknowledge them as equal.…
Sexism is defined as the overarching system of advantages bestowed upon men. As a prejudice and discriminatory ideology based on gender, founded on a patriarchal structure of male dominance promoted through individual, institutional, social, and cultural systems. As an umbrella unfairly placed above the heads of men in the presence of a monsoon, leaving the women cold, wet, and yearning for equality. The insidious ideology that fuels sexism in culture not only perpetuates misogynistic dogmatism, but poses as a direct threat to women’s safety and self-esteem in various ways. The most commonly overlooked form of sexism is the “Friend-zone”, a manifestation of misogynistic ideology created by vapid petulant men who refuse to take “no” for an answer, and is used as an excuse for aggressive male dominance as well as sexual and domestic violence. According to the friend…
"How would you feel if, in front of all the players, your coach told you were playing like a girl?" a 12 years old boy responds "It would destroy me." For decades’ women have been degraded and given unfair treatment due to their gender, because men announce themselves that they are superior and women are interior, and they are the property of men. Women always suffered from discrimination of men, they were unequal when it came to jobs, politics, sports, and many other things because men put them self’s ahead of women in everything. These are some of the reasons that started the feminism a war between men and women, the idea of feminists that hates men is a lack of knowledge of what feminism truly means.…
In the modern society, men are defined by their actions and personality they reveal to the public. In “Boy,” the coach says to the boy “We do not show any emotions.” The social concept demands men to hide their feelings, because over the past generations this is the dogmatic characteristic has corresponded with males. In “Bros Before Hos”: The Guy Code” the author states “The Boy Code leaves boys disconnected from a wide range of emotions and prohibited from sharing those feelings with others” (Kimmel 548). In essence, men should not provide any emotions, because they will be going against societies expectations. Furthermore, this could lead to emotional illnesses. In “Bros Before Hos”: The Guy Code” by Kimmel, the author states “boys are more prone to depression, suicidal behavior, and various other forms of out-of-control behavior” (548). In other words, not showing emotions causes boys from a young age to develop illnesses. Additionally, crying is a form of emotion that men are prohibited to…
That man usually possess qualities such as being rational, reasonable, and less emotional. Masculinity was referred to all the time, walter wanted to be the Man of the house. he was exhausted, of having to work as a driver. “Mama I don't need no nagging me today” he was worn out of being told what to do, that he shouldn’t be the one to be told what to do but that he would be the one to tell people what to do. “We one group of men tied to a race of women with small minds” (Walter). Women aren't as smart, that's the reason why women are discriminated against, and women refused to listen. He believes that men are more intelligent than women, that women are closed minded and can’t understand like they are ignorant. “Don’t understand about building their men up and making ‘em feel like they somebody. Like they can do something” (Walter). Walter wants the women in his life to make him feel like a man. Being manly means having the freedom to act according to one's…
I felt that Dave Barry’s “Guys vs. Men” was a very humorous essay, but in some ways, it was also informative. Whether or not a person (especially a woman) wants to admit it, this essay’s content was pretty correct. Although I do not feel that guys are quite as simple as Barry tried to make them out to be (for instance, “And think how much happier women would be if, instead of endlessly fretting about what the males in their lives are thinking, they could relax, secure in the knowledge that the correct answer is: very little,” p. 381), I do feel that for the most part, guys are more relaxed and carefree than women, as this essay points out. Furthermore, I agree that there are two types of males: men and guys. However, I think that every male possesses about half and half. For instance, when a male sees another male hitting on his girlfriend, he might want to fight the offensive male. At this point, he would fall into the “man” category. However, only moments before the fight he might have been sitting at a bar with all of his friends seeing who could burp the most letters in the alphabet. Burping males certainly fall into the “guy” category. Even though I am a female, I do see myself possessing some of the “guy” characteristics, like wanting “neat stuff.” I am the type of person who will buy anything that looks impressive. My purchases range from a wireless cordless phone system that is far too sophisticated (and expensive) for my lifestyle to the perfect pancake maker (as seen on TV!). Yet I do not feel that I am a guy, so I guess there is a female counterpart to the guy. I suppose we could call it being a chick. However, I am not sure exactly what the characteristics and requirements for being a chick are. I do know, though, that if you ever witness a large group of females together, you can observe some of these less womanly characteristics. Dave Barry did an excellent job of making all people, male and female, question, observe, and understand both their serious…
Another subtle way in which sexism exists isn’t even committed by men—women are taking part in a cycle of misogyny and hatred of the members of their own gender. Very commonly nowadays you see young girls and even grown women claim to be different from their female peers in order to seem more appealing to men. It’s a very simple self-perpetuating way for misogyny to exist without ever being perpetrated by males. With the “not-like-other-girls” mindset, women are pitted against other women, as opposed to standing in solidarity against the very institutional sexism they have been unknowingly perpetuating. Girl-on-girl hate has been sensationalized and normalize in the media via television shows (see Gossip Girl), movies (see Mean Girls), and books (see The Clique series) all of these are specifically targeted for young girls. Often the antagonists of these stories are female peers and the happy ending or “reward” is finally getting to be with which ever boy that has been lusted over for the length of the story. While they do highlight the very real issue of bullying in schools, these stories do little to nothing to promote the friendship and commonality that young girls have together. In relation to the aforementioned grievance, self-image doesn’t have to be limited to one’s personality or appearance—it can refer to one’s gender, and can lead to the dislike of members of one’s own…
Truly there are still people in this world who don’t take the gender equality and feminists acts seriously. Girls in this day and age are still being told they are not allowed, or do not have the capability of doing something because “you’re a girl” as if that should explain to a ten year old girl why she can’t play tackle football with her brothers. This destroys the psychological thinking of a young girl and makes her think that she has these limitations because “she’s a girl”. Limitations such as these can cause long psychological damage and lower a girl’s self esteem.…
I found the article written by Emily W. Kane so insightful and it reminded me very much of the film Tough Guise 2 by Jackson Katz. We find gender nonconformity of girls much easier to accept than that of boys. Girls can dress like boys and play sports like boys and they will simply be considered just a “tomboy”. However if boys choose to behave more feminine, they are constantly bombarded with insults such as “fag, pussy, or bitch”. Although often brushed off the shoulder, these insults can cause a boy to feel…
I have no personal observation or experience of gender issues. However, even though I am a woman, I would have to say that men get persecuted far more than women for not conforming to biased standards. I always hear people say "be a man" or "a real man does this". I never hear someone say "be a woman" or "a real woman would do that". That being said, the same example I have given…
Today’s society many of us will see how gender becomes an issue. Women and men are put into a box of stereotypes causing everyone to wonder. Women have had a lasting effect on this, being view as only defenseless women and also race can be a problem. Men are also put in a box but women to this day are still thrown back in there.…
Sexism is another stereotype that is created in the classroom that can have social and academic effects on individuals. Research shows that an oppressive classroom environment impairs learning and academic performance for students oppressed with identities (Pitman, 2010). Sexism in education occurs at an early age. While children of both sexes typically play together, as they get older they spend less and less time playing with children of the opposite sex. When students are lined up according to gender, teachers are stating that boys and girls should be treated differently. When different behaviors are acceptable for boys and not girls because boys will be boys, schools and administrators continue the oppression of girls. Teachers tend to associate girls as being feminine and are praised for being calm, neat, and quiet, whereas boys are encouraged to be self-thinkers, participate, and speak up. By the time students have completed 12 years of schooling, the achievement gap has widened. Females, who generally outperformed the males in their early school years, now trail on all subsections of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the American College Testing Program Examination (ACT), with the greatest discrepancies surfacing in the math and science areas (Dauber,…
• The first settlers had probably crossed the Bering Strait at various times between 15,000 and 60,000 years ago.…