Tangie Riles
HHS440: Technology in Health & Human Services
Instructor: Janice Flegle
Technology in education has been popular in schools and universities all over. With all of the unimaginable advancements in technology, it has become a necessity, in the classroom, rather than being a luxury. Way back when, schools didn’t have computers in each room, let alone the internet or smart boards. In today’s world, technology is changing and progressing everyday. It would be senseless not to include technology in studies, trainings, and lectures within healthcare education. A few forms of technology used to teach students in healthcare, other than computers, …show more content…
Using technology to enhance teaching and learning provides students with opportunities to develop effective and necessary skills. Healthcare educators “integrate education into practice” ” (Smothers, Greene, Ellaway, & Detmer 2008). Technological devices, such as smartphones, have increasingly been approved by medical professionals in their practices, giving progress to the realm of mobile health. The quality of healthcare is also on the rise because of technology. “Technology standards can also enable better educational research on the effective use of educational technologies” (Wing & Guzdial …show more content…
(2009) Online virtual patients - A driver for change in medical and healthcare professional education in developing countries? Medical Teacher. Aug2009, Vol. 31 Issue 8, p721-724. 4p. 1 Color Photograph. DOI: 10.1080/01421590903124732.
Smothers, V.; Greene, P.; Ellaway, R.; & Detmer, D. (2008) Sharing innovation: the case for technology standards in health professions education. Medical Teacher. Mar2008, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p150-154. 5p. 1 Diagram, 1 Chart, 1 Graph. DOI: 10.1080/01421590701874082
Weiyi Toh, T.; Wai Keung, C.; & Yi-Lwern, K. (2014) Development of a virtual patient record mobile app for pharmacy practice education. Archives of Pharmacy Practice. Apr-Jun2014, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p66-71. 6p. DOI: 10.4103/2045-080X.132650.
Wilkinson, A. While, A. & Roberts, J. (2009) Measurement of information and communication technology experience and attitudes to e-learning of students in the healthcare professions: integrative review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Apr2009, Vol. 65 Issue 4, p755-772. 18p. 1 Diagram, 4 Charts. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2008.04924.x.
Wing, J. & Guzdial, M. (2013) Encouraging IT Usage In Future Healthcare, Quality in CS Education. Communications of the ACM. May2013, Vol. 56 Issue 5, p14-15. 2p. DOI: 10.1145/2447976.2447981. , Database: Business Source