The Heath Insurance portability Act (HIPPA) of 1996 is a law designed to protect a patients personal and health information from being disclosed, it allows patients great access and control to his or her information, enhances health care, and creates a national framework for health privacy protection. Everyone in the health care business should be aware of the HIPAA law to protect the privacy and confidentiality of anyone who may be cared for in the facility. The patient must also sign and acknowledge the HIPPA privacy statement that is usually received during visits and prescription pickups. HIPAA protects the patient’s medical and personal information from being released to other staff members in a social manner, the patients workplace unless under workman’s comp, and not released to anyone who is not involved in the patients visit. HIPAA is a very important rule when it comes to HIV and AIDS this disease must be handled in a more sensitive manner than other diseases and HIPAA should protect the patient’s information from entering in the wrong hands. HIV and AIDS do have a large amount of stigma, misconception, and discrimination it can cause many problems for patients diagnosed and there information has been leaked. HIV and AIDS is a very touchy subject amongst many people. This disease is one that a person will most likely not recover from as well as a disease that is deadly if not treated. The HIPAA confidentiality is important for the patients who do not want others to know they have the disease. HIV and AIDS is often a lifestyle disease which some people may look at differently than others or may look down on them. Because HIV and AIDS are usually transmitted through sexual intercourse, semen, vaginal discharge, blood, and drug use some people may think this is bad behavior on that person’s part. HIPAA protects the patient’s personal information and protects his or her medical information such as diagnosis, treatments,…