Having AM to self-assess his listening skills and persistence will push him closer to becoming an independent learner. In order for him to be more self-monitoring and self-managing, he must learn to use I statements. One strategy that can be utilized for AM to regularly use I statements is to laminate an I statement checklist and place it on the corner of his desk. Costa discussed several I statements that can be used for scholars to be more reflective on their performance and level of persistency in the classroom, (n.d.). Of these statements listed, the three that will be most beneficial for AM includes “I know what to say to my friends so they won’t distract me. I know where to move so I can concentrate. I look forward to feeling pleased with myself when I’m done.” One “I” statement in regards to listening that will also help AM reach his achievement goals is “I wait until someone is finished before I take my time to speak” (Costa, n.d.). Aside from placing an I statement checklists on AM’s desk, another strategy that can be utilized to help guide AM on his Habits of Mind journey is to give him responsibility in overseeing how the rest of the class is performing in their use of I statements. During class discussions, I will put AM in charge of “secretly” monitoring the class and charting data (using the checklist) on their
Having AM to self-assess his listening skills and persistence will push him closer to becoming an independent learner. In order for him to be more self-monitoring and self-managing, he must learn to use I statements. One strategy that can be utilized for AM to regularly use I statements is to laminate an I statement checklist and place it on the corner of his desk. Costa discussed several I statements that can be used for scholars to be more reflective on their performance and level of persistency in the classroom, (n.d.). Of these statements listed, the three that will be most beneficial for AM includes “I know what to say to my friends so they won’t distract me. I know where to move so I can concentrate. I look forward to feeling pleased with myself when I’m done.” One “I” statement in regards to listening that will also help AM reach his achievement goals is “I wait until someone is finished before I take my time to speak” (Costa, n.d.). Aside from placing an I statement checklists on AM’s desk, another strategy that can be utilized to help guide AM on his Habits of Mind journey is to give him responsibility in overseeing how the rest of the class is performing in their use of I statements. During class discussions, I will put AM in charge of “secretly” monitoring the class and charting data (using the checklist) on their