In fact, Ffalling in love does have the 4 major characteristics of the ritual. The first characteristic of ritual is to bring people to face to face contacest. Clearly, romantic love does this. People who are love want to spend much time together as possible.
The second characteristic of the ritual is focuses people attention on some common object or activity. With the romantic love, the common object is complete conflict itself. For people in love, are the people activity seem to fade way.
The third characteristic of ritual is promotes mutual emotion among the participantes. Obviously, Rromantic love cliffy qualifies here. Feeling more experiences is positive intensitye. This is why romantic love It is describe high intensity ritual.
The final characteristic of ritual is (p_) emotions in charge of symbol. The represents the membership of some group. More than some of the symbols of romantic love. In western cultures, love is associated with heart shape object and rings. Through since wedding rings symbolized couple’s love and commitment. We all known how important these symbols can be, throughing the losing the rings, for example, concludes lot of anxiety, so be careful of the symbols.
What’s happeneing in your brain and your body when you feel emotion record romantic love. Recently search in the case