Othman Ibrahim*, Siti Zakiah Melatu Samsi**, Muhamad Fazil Ahmad***
*University Teknologi Malaysia/Faculty of Computer Science and Information System, Johor, Malaysia. Email: othmanibrahim@utm.my
**Multimedia University/Faculty of Business and Law, Melaka, Malaysia. Email: zakiah.melatu@mmu.edu.my
***Universiti Putra Malaysia/Faculty of Modern Languages & Communication, Selangor, Malaysia. Email: mfazil@fbmk.upm.edu.my Abstract - Halal industry is growing in Malaysia and the government has done a lot of initiatives to nurture the industry. The awareness to get Halal status for the food products and premises also increase among the businesses as the enforcement efforts being done by authorized bodies and NGOs. However, as Halal from business point of view is a very profitable market locally and globally, many businesses might not aware that having a Halal certified business carries a very high responsibility towards Muslim consumers. The purposes of this paper are: (1) to see the concept of ethics in business from Islamic perspective and link it with Halal business and (2) to discuss the corporate social responsibility of Halal business towards Muslim consumers.
Keywords – Halal; Business ethics; Corporate Social Responsibility; CSR; CSR in Islamic Perspective
The Halal industry in Malaysia has a great potential to be one of the major contributors to the Malaysian economy. With the huge market segment locally and internationally, the involvement of businesses in Halal business are increasing from time to time. As Halal business especially food production and processing is based on the Islamic principles, the main objective of the existence of Halal food and products is to protect Muslim consumers from taking and using non-Halal products which might bring negative impacts to their lives. However, while the government, authorization bodies and NGOs are actively promoting Halal certification and Halal
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