In Minoan culture art is not as serious as Egyptian art. They don’t use the Egyptian grid system and their art is not strictly focused around the afterlife. According to John Papadopoulos in an article titled “Inventing the Minoans: The quest for European Identity” the Minoans had more peaceful and happier lives than the Egyptians and it showed in their art pieces. Many of their paintings were loose. For example, the bull leaping painting from the palace Knossos in Greece shows a bull and people in motion without a particular gridded or precise system. The people in the bull leaping painting were constructed of stylish circular shapes instead of the sharp ridged look the old kingdom of Egypt had shown. Paintings like the bull leaping and La Parisienne represent people with long curly hair symbolizing a Minoan care free, relaxed atmosphere. The Minoan people were making art for living in the moment in contrast to old kingdom Egyptian artwork that was made for afterlife purposes. For instance, Egyptians from the old kingdom built huge monuments called pyramids that were made for leaders on behalf of their afterlife journeys. The Minion
In Minoan culture art is not as serious as Egyptian art. They don’t use the Egyptian grid system and their art is not strictly focused around the afterlife. According to John Papadopoulos in an article titled “Inventing the Minoans: The quest for European Identity” the Minoans had more peaceful and happier lives than the Egyptians and it showed in their art pieces. Many of their paintings were loose. For example, the bull leaping painting from the palace Knossos in Greece shows a bull and people in motion without a particular gridded or precise system. The people in the bull leaping painting were constructed of stylish circular shapes instead of the sharp ridged look the old kingdom of Egypt had shown. Paintings like the bull leaping and La Parisienne represent people with long curly hair symbolizing a Minoan care free, relaxed atmosphere. The Minoan people were making art for living in the moment in contrast to old kingdom Egyptian artwork that was made for afterlife purposes. For instance, Egyptians from the old kingdom built huge monuments called pyramids that were made for leaders on behalf of their afterlife journeys. The Minion