Because ancient records are sparse and fragmentary, the exact nature of Samhain is not fully understood, but it was an annual communal meeting at the end of the harvest year, a time to gather resources for the winter months and bring animals back from pastures. Samhain is also thought to have been a time for communicating with the dead, according to folklorist John Santino. “There was a belief that it was a day when spirits of the dead would cross over into the other world,” Santino told Live Science. Such moments of transition in the year have always been thought to be special and supernatural, and it provides a safe way to play with the concept of death. People dress up as the living dead, and fake gravestones adorn front lawns—activities that wouldn’t be tolerated at other times of the year, he said. But according to Nicholas Rogers, a history professor at York University in Toronto and author of Halloween: From pagan Ritual to Party Night (Oxford University press, 2003), “there is no hard evidence that Samhain was specifically devoted to the dead or to ancestor
Because ancient records are sparse and fragmentary, the exact nature of Samhain is not fully understood, but it was an annual communal meeting at the end of the harvest year, a time to gather resources for the winter months and bring animals back from pastures. Samhain is also thought to have been a time for communicating with the dead, according to folklorist John Santino. “There was a belief that it was a day when spirits of the dead would cross over into the other world,” Santino told Live Science. Such moments of transition in the year have always been thought to be special and supernatural, and it provides a safe way to play with the concept of death. People dress up as the living dead, and fake gravestones adorn front lawns—activities that wouldn’t be tolerated at other times of the year, he said. But according to Nicholas Rogers, a history professor at York University in Toronto and author of Halloween: From pagan Ritual to Party Night (Oxford University press, 2003), “there is no hard evidence that Samhain was specifically devoted to the dead or to ancestor