Hamlets feelingsare clearly expressed in his speech from Act 1 scene 2, when he declares outright - "frailty thy name is woman". He does this cause he is confused at how his mother, who had shown his father so much affection, so quickly forget her love and remarry Claudius so quickly. "Why, she would hang on him As if increase of appetite had grown By what it fed on", to hamlet gertrudes actions were not only an act of weakness but poor judgment. Hamlet is fond of his father and compares Gertrude's transition from his father to Claudius as if going from a god to an animal. "So excellent a king; that was, to this, Hyperion to a satyr" (Act 1, scene 2)
Gertrude for her part is not particularly evil or sinister, although there is a minor amount of evidence that she had an affair with claudius prior to the King Hamlet's death, although this is irrelevant. There is evidence that Gertrude only seeks calmness and safety. She wants the best in life, and so she does what she can to maintain her position and the formalities around her. She does have genuine affection for her son, caring for his physical and mental state. Unfortunately her loyalties lie not with family but with the safest choice.
Shakespere strongly suggested that Gertrude is an adulteress, weak and easily persuaded by physical love. Hamlet feels disappointment, anger and betrayal towards her. Later on in the play, she seems to regret her actions. She realises that it is HER behaviour that has altered her son’s perception of the world and she expresses this aloud to Claudius. especially in the ”Closet scene”, when Hamlet “speaks daggers” to her regarding her relationship with Claudius. He also holds a mirror to her (“hold a mirror up to nature”) to “show virtue her own feature”.
Hamlet isn't entirely mysoginistic, he's a scarred young man who is frustrated and feels betrayed. He misplaces his anger against his uncle at his mother.