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Justification of Hamlet 's Sanity in Shakespeare 's Hamlet - Shakespeare 's play "Hamlet" is about a complex protagonist, Hamlet, who faces adversity and is destined to murder the individual who killed his father. Hamlet is a character who Although his actions and emotions may be one of an insane persons, in the beginning of the book it is clear that Hamlet decides to fake madness in order for his plan to succeed in killing Claudius. Hamlet is sane because throughout the play he only acts crazy in front of certain people, to others he acts properly and displays proper prince like behavior who is able to cope with them without sounding crazy, and even after everything that has been going on in his life he is able to take revenge by killing his father 's murderer.... [tags: Hamlet, Shakespeare] 1584 words
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Hamlet 's Loneliness - One would agree that Hamlet was a lonely character. In the entire play he isolated himself because of the things that he did and the secrets that he had. He had very few friends and he started to not trust humanity. His loneliness was a major contributor to his tragic downfall. The reason for this is because it kept him away from his friend and family and then eventually it started to make him go crazy and make the wrong decisions or so he wanted it to seem. According to the
Cited: 1150 words (3.3 pages) $19.95 [preview] The Theme of Vengeance in Shakespeare 's Hamlet - Vengeance. A vicious, violent way to make oneself feel better about an offense against them. Throughout the tragedy of Hamlet revenge is a recurring theme, amongst all of the characters. Whether this revenge is in physical form, or mental form, it is equally hurtful. Mahatma Ghandi said, “An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.” Ghandi is literally saying that if one person commits a revengeful act, it will create a continuing reaction of bitterness and violence throughout everyone. This quote is highly significant throughout the duration of Hamlet, as it portrays almost precisely, both the plo