the least of which is their madness. While Hamlet's madness seems to
be feigned, Ophelia is truly crazy. The odd thing about their
predicament is that they each drive each other more fully into the
depths of illness.
One of Hamlet's most famous lines is when he tells the Queen: "Seems,
madam? Nay, it is. I know not 'seems.'" Hamlet is saying that he does
not know what it is to pretend, he only knows what it is to be. This is the
main question surrounding Hamlet in the play, is he feigning his
madness, or is it real? After confronting the Ghost, Hamlet tells his friends
that he is going to act mad in public, and that they should not worry for
he is not really crazy …show more content…
at all. There is a common belief in these days that
when someone tells a lie and firmly believes it they start to live that lie.
Maybe this is true with Hamlet- he acts truly mad in public (even his
mother believes it) that possibly he acts mad in private too.
After Polonius tells Ophelia to repel Hamlet's letters, Hamlet enters
Ophelia's room and looks at her with such a piteous and saddened
face that even Ophelia begins to think there is something wrong with
him. Shortly after that Hamlet encounters Polonius in a corridor and
harasses him and says crazy things. In an aside Polonius says, "Though
this be madness, yet there is method in't." In another famous line,
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ask Hamlet about his madness, and he
replies, "I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly I know
a hawk from a handsaw."
In the beginning Hamlet says he does not know how to pretend, so one
could argue that either he was lying and is a very good play-actor with
his madness; or he really does not know how to act and is truly mad.
Hamlet does go about talking overmuch about writing and acting, and
even goes so far as to put a little vignette in the play of Hecuba, and
tells the actors how to do their job. Is Hamlet an actor telling …show more content…
actors how to act, or is he a crazy fool presuming too much?
Whilst Hamlet is off trying to make the world think he is crazy, Ophelia
has a real breakdown of her own. Ophelia goes mad for two reasons
mostly- she is forced to deny Hamlet her affection (and he therefore
denies her), and Hamlet slays her father. Ophelia is simply an unwitting
pawn in everyone else's traps; she cannot do anything to stop it, and
she wouldn't know how if she could. Polonius demands that she not see
Hamlet any longer, and return all of his letters. When Ophelia follows
her father's orders, Hamlet is angered and pretends that he never
wrote her letters or gave her any of his affection. This seems to be the
beginning of Ophelia's sadness mostly because she really did love
Hamlet, and she believed that he loved her as much.
In Act III, scene , Ophelia and Hamlet have their famous argument;
with Hamlet telling Ophelia to get to a nunnery, and Ophelia saying to
herself, "O, what a noble mind is here o'erthrown!" Shortly after that
(Act III, scene ii) the play begins, with Ophelia commenting, "'Tis brief,
my lord." And Hamlet replies, "As a woman's love." They play off of
each other, and each is scorned because they were in love, and
comment drives them further into madness.
The end of Ophelia's stretched sanity comes when she discovers
Hamlet has slain her father. When Ophelia and the Queen meet after
Ophelia's madness, a serving-woman tells the Queen, "She [Ophelia] is
importunate, indeed distract. Her mood will needs be pitied." Ophelia
has been talking to no one, and muttering things, and singing songs she
does not know the meaning of. She talks about her father without
knowing no one is listening, and eventually Ophelia drowns in a shallow
creek with no one to help her.
While Hamlet is simply pretending to be crazy in hopes to catch Claudius,
Ophelia really has gone mad, mostly because of Hamlet. These two
"young" nobles who once were in love, drove each other more fully into
madness, and could not help themselves.