Many take a very literal interpretation of the play and maintain that many of that situations in which Hamlet delays were a necessary and essential step in the process of revenge. An example lies in Hamlet" '"s first confrontation with the Ghost. Upon seeing the Ghost" '"s image, Hamlet remarks, '" 'Be thou a spirit of health or goblin damned, / Bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell, / Be thy intents wicked or charitable, / Thou com" '"st in such a questionable shape / That I will speak to thee '" ' (I.iv.40-44). This quote demonstrates Hamlet" '"s fear that his father"
Bibliography: Bloom, Harold. Hamlet: Poem Unlimited. New York: Riverhead Books, 2003. Philadelphia, PA: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. '" 'On Hamlet" '"s Intellectualism. '" ' William Shakespeare" '"s Hamlet: Bloom" '"s Notes, 1996 ed. Freud, Sigmund. '" 'On Hamlet and His Father. '" ' William Shakespeare" '"s Hamlet: Bloom" '"s Notes, 1996 ed. Lewis, C.S. '" 'On Hamlet" '"s Soliloquies. '" ' William Shakespeare" '"s Hamlet: Bloom" '"s Notes, 1996 ed. McAlindon, T. '" 'On Love in Hamlet. '" ' William Shakespeare" '"s Hamlet: Bloom" '"s Notes, 1996 ed. Nietzsche, Friedrich. '" 'On Hamlet as the Dionysian Man. '" ' William Shakespeare" '"s Hamlet: Bloom" '"s Notes, 1996 ed. Perry, Curtis. '" 'Thematic and Structural Analysis. '" ' William Shakespeare" '"s Hamlet: Bloom" '"s Notes, 1996 ed. Rosenblum, Joseph. A Reader" '"s Guide to Shakespeare. New York: Barnes and Noble Books, 1999. Schlegel, August Wilhelm von. '" 'On Hamlet" '"s Flaws. '" ' William Shakespeare" '"s Hamlet: Bloom" '"s Notes, 1996 ed. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet: Price of Denmark. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1603. Watts, Cedric. '" 'On the Many Interpretations of Hamlet. '" ' William Shakespeare" '"s Hamlet: Bloom" '"s Notes, 1996 ed. Wilde, Oscar. '" 'On Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. '" ' William Shakespeare" '"s Hamlet: Bloom" '"s Notes, 1996 ed.